We all know when someone goes out of their way for us. It’s personal. It’s always appreciated. It’s different. It sets you apart.
Bob delivers powerful keynote speeches to management teams, employee groups, and sales teams on the topic of Remarkable Relationships…the key to business and personal success. Bob is a member of the National Speakers Association.
Bob's objective in his speeches is to remind and motivate his audience...to remind them of some things they already know...and to motivate them to apply them to their daily jobs and lives.
Bob's key message is: Business is all about Relationships. To build strong relationships, go out of your way to make it easy for your customers/prospects/spouse/child/employee to frequently connect with you...in ways they value, and sometimes don't expect.
We all know when someone goes out of their way for us. It’s personal. It’s always appreciated. It’s different. It sets you apart.
Our lives are time-crunched. Time is the most valuable currency today. If you help a customer by making it easier for them, they save time. It’s personal. It’s always appreciated, especially in today’s world. It’s different. It sets you apart.
To DIALOGUE…to talk WITH (not TO)….using words, email, texting, your website, letters, gifts, phone calls, and maybe even an occasional hand-written note.
Always be looking for things your customers value and deliver it to them. If you’re not sure what they value….ASK THEM.
This is the WOW factor. Surprise them. The impact of flowers or a gift for your spouse on Tuesday (just because) is MAGNIFIED compared to the same flowers or gift on a birthday or anniversary.